The Importance of Gender Diversity in Investment Decisions

In recent years, the global financial industry has increasingly recognised the importance of gender diversity in investment decision-making. Asset management, which has long been dominated by men, is beginning to see the value that women bring to the table; not only as

Catalysing Namibia’s Growth: The Transformative Role of Private Equity 

Private equity (PE) represents a critical component of the global financial ecosystem, characterised by investments in non-publicly traded companies. Its significance escalates in the context of economic growth, especially in emerging economies like Namibia. This article explores how PE, as a source

Can venture capital bring Namibia economic prosperity? 

The Namibian economy has recently seen its worst years in terms of economic growth. The economy has been in a recession due to a decline in activity in the mining, agriculture, construction, and most recently hospitality and tourism sectors. Before that, the

Filling Namibia’s Financing Gap with Agriculture Investment Funds 

Agriculture is one of Namibia’s most important sectors and is a significant source of economic growth and industrial transformation. Most of Namibia’s population is dependent directly or indirectly on the agricultural sector for their livelihoods. As an investment asset class, agriculture offers

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